Let’s talk about coconuts…
We love coconuts. And as you’re reading this blog post, we reckon you might do too.
Since 2014 we’ve been using coconuts to make our creamy, dreamy yogs and desserts – because they’re simply the best! These gorgeous little fruits don’t just remind us of long days spent laid on sunny beaches, they also make all our Coconut Collab products taste as gorgeous as they do!
But getting our hands on coconuts in a responsible way isn’t as easy as you might think…
Sourcing our coconuts
Most of our coconuts come from Sri Lanka – they’re one of the biggest coconut producers in the world with a massive history of growing the fruit. In fact, the Mahāvaṃsa – a chronicle of the history of Sri Lanka mentions that coconuts were being cultivated on the island as far back as the 6th Century!
But while Sri Lanka is a sunny place, coconut sourcing isn’t always so sunny. We’re proud to say that all our suppliers are members of SEDEX – an organisation that ensures good practice across four key pillars – labour standards, health & safety, environment and business ethics.
That means you can enjoy our creamy, dreamy pots worry-free!
No monkey business
Did you know that many coconut producers exploit monkeys to pick the fruit? In some operations, monkeys are snatched from the wild, trained to pick up to 1,000 coconuts a day, and made to live in horrible conditions.
Our coconut yogs and desserts are all about feeling good, so we’ll never ever use monkey labour in our supply chain. We’re proud of our supplier vetting process, with a strong emphasis on animal welfare.
Waste not want not
Food waste is more and more important to all of us, but coconut waste is super important to us.
Once our coconuts are harvested, they’re de-husked and then de-shelled. We don’t need those husks and shells, but we ensure they’re repurposed for mulch and eco-friendly fibres, so every part of the coconut is put to good use!
Less talking, more eating!
Feeling good? We sure are! We’re proud to always try to make sure our coconut yogs, pots and desserts not only taste brilliant, but do as much good as they can for the planet, our communities and animals.