Pre-heat the oven to 200°C (fan). Grease the muffin tray moulds with coconut oil (remove any excess). Place the puff pastry sheet on the counter top without removing the baking paper, and by pressing the cup against it, draw little circles on it
Place the puff pastry circles on each mould. Press gently with your fingers to set it correctly in place. Half fill them with The Coconut Collaborative Vanilla Custard. Note: Do not overfill, as it will burst while in the oven. Place the tray in the oven for a maximum of 20min. and check the tarts every 5 minutes, sprinkling them with cold water, to avoid them from bursting
Remove it from the oven and allow the tarts to rest for 30min in the tray
Once cooled down, transfer them onto a rack, and with the blowtorch, slightly burn the top of the tarts (to taste).
Garnish them with cinnamon and icing sugar on top.